Brisbane Trauma Informed Practitioners

The Brisbane Trauma Informed Practitioners Group (TIP Group) is a network of professional counsellors and therapists who work in the trauma field. We have a diversity of knowledge, skills and experiences that we each bring to our work with clients. We meet on a regular basis to learn from and support each other in our work. We engage in shared training with some of the most respected professionals in this field. 

This web page is designed to assist clients to make an informed choice about the therapist they work with. You will find details of all the therapists in our group as well as links to their individual web pages. We have included some information for both clients and other therapists that we hope will support learning and growth in this area. 


The TIP Group came to life in August 2017. We participated in Janina Fisher’s webinar program on Working with the Neurobiological Legacy of Trauma and completed level 1 and level 2 of these courses. We met on a regular basis during this training to discuss and support our learning together. At the conclusion of the training we all agreed that we had enjoyed our time together so much that we wanted to continue to meet!

Since this time we have continued to meet regularly and have undertaken training in areas such as Polyvagal Theory, Internal Family Systems Therapy, Trauma Sensitive Yoga, the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutic Intervention, Relational Frame Theory, Interoception, EMDR, Schema Therapy, and the Neurobiology of Working with Adolescents. 

We are also delighted to now be participating in group supervision with Bonnie Badenoch. Bonnie is a talented therapist and writer and we are learning so much from our sessions with her. 

The group membership has changed a little over time but the core of our group and our shared values have remained the same. 

Trauma Informed Reflective Practice

Trauma informed practice refers to the importance of all professionals in the mental health and social services sector being aware of the nature, prevalence, and impacts of trauma on children, young people and adults. 

Trauma can take many forms and its impacts can vary depending on a range of factors such as age, prevalence, attachment relationships, etc. 

We believe that it is essential that all who work in this field (and the general public) are informed about this important area. We are also committed to reflective practice which means that we engage in opportunities to reflect on our work and how we can continue to learn and grow. 

The following 10 principles of trauma informed reflective practice inform our work as a group of therapists specialising in this important area. 

Trauma Informed Reflective Practice Principles

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